If you are experiencing hair loss and thinning, incorporating 5 specific foods into your diet is essential. These foods are not only easily accessible, but they are also supported by Ayurveda and validated by modern science. We will explore the optimal ways and timings to consume them in order to maximize their benefits. Without further delay, let us commence. Greetings, dear companions! Welcome to Fit Tuber. Undoubtedly, our body tends to prioritize other organs over hair when it lacks sufficient nourishment. However, healthy hair not only enhances our physical appearance but also boosts our self-assurance. Due to the prevailing stress, poor dietary choices, and cosmetic practices, hair loss has become prevalent even among teenagers. Recognizing the value that hair adds to our lives, let us delve into the discussion of 5 remarkable foods that combat hair fall.

1 Buttermilk, also known as well-churned yogurt, when mixed with double the amount of water and appropriately spiced, becomes a miraculous elixir for hair. One may wonder how this is possible. Let's consider a plant that is losing its leaves. What could be the underlying reason? It is evident that the problem lies within the roots of the plant. Similarly, according to Ayurveda, the root cause of hair fall can be traced back to the digestive system. In fact, an 86-year-old Chinese man suffering from alopecia experienced sudden hair regrowth on his bald patches after undergoing a fecal transplant. This highlights the importance of a healthy digestive system in preventing hair loss. When you face indigestion, your body fails to absorb essential hair nutrients from the food, resulting in weakened hair and eventual hair fall. This is where buttermilk comes to the rescue. Enriched with probiotics and lactic acid, consuming buttermilk after lunch strengthens the root, which is the digestive system, allowing it to efficiently absorb vital hair nutrients from the food. Additionally, buttermilk also helps in reducing body heat, which is another significant cause of hair loss. Therefore, buttermilk serves as an excellent hair shampoo and conditioner.

2. Amla, a traditional Indian medicine, has been used for centuries to promote hair and scalp health. It is now a common ingredient in hair products like shampoos, conditioners, and hair oils. Studies on rabbits and rats have shown that amla oil can significantly and rapidly promote fur growth and improve fur health due to its high antioxidant content. Clinical studies have also demonstrated that consuming amla as food stimulates hair follicles and strengthens roots, making it an effective hair regenerator. Furthermore, amla is one of the top foods that block DHT, a hormone associated with hair loss. Despite its numerous benefits, amla's sour taste can make it challenging to consume. However, there are several ways to incorporate amla into your diet, such as purchasing reputable amla juice and diluting it with equal parts water, consuming it 30 minutes before breakfast. Amla candy with honey and amla murabba with honey are also healthy snack options that can be easily kept on hand.

 Another option is Amalaki Rasayana, a potent Ayurvedic amla supplement that can be mixed with honey and consumed at any time of the day. Boiling raw amla with rice or curry makes it easier to eat and can be enjoyed as a pickle. Amla tablets are also available nowadays. In conclusion, if you are facing hair problems and not incorporating amla into your routine, you are making things more challenging than they need to be.

3. Almonds offer a multitude of benefits for hair health, making them an incredible natural alternative to synthetic biotin supplements. They are rich in Biotin, which is essential for hair growth. Scientific studies have demonstrated that applying almond oil to the scalp promotes hair growth more effectively than a placebo. In a separate study, rats were divided into six groups, with one group receiving almond extract and the other five receiving different supplements, including minoxidil. After 30 days, the group treated with almond extract showed superior results in terms of opening up new hair follicles. Almonds contain special fatty acids like oleic acid and linoleic acid, which have been proven to block DHT, a hormone associated with hair loss. Additionally, almonds are a reliable source of Vitamin E, which is known to prevent hair fall. There are various ways to incorporate almonds into our diet, but three practical methods stand out. Firstly, soaking four almonds in water, peeling off the skin, and chewing them until they turn into a liquid consistency. Secondly, consuming one tablespoon of unsweetened almond butter. Lastly, having a teaspoon of sweet almond oil in a glass of milk before bedtime. It is worth noting that our local Gurbandi almonds, despite being smaller in size, actually have a higher nutritional profile compared to California almonds.

4. Curry leaves, ranked at number 4 on the list, have been proven beneficial for hair health according to Ayurvedic scriptures and modern studies. Regular consumption of curry leaves not only reduces hair breakage but also improves overall hair health. This is due to their rich content of B vitamins and antioxidants, which aid in cellular regeneration and promote healthy blood circulation to the scalp’s blood vessels. Additionally, curry leaves contain high levels of amino acids that strengthen hair fibers. Surveys have shown that individuals in the Southern part of India, where curry leaves are commonly used in cooking, experience significantly fewer hair problems. To combat hair fall and thinning, consider incorporating curry leaves into your daily diet by using them to temper dals and vegetables, or by consuming them raw. Simply pluck 4-5 curry leaves and chew them thoroughly until they turn into liquid in your mouth. This quick and easy practice will yield visible results in just a few weeks. Alternatively, curry leaf powder can be purchased online and used as a regular masala in your curries. For the next 2 months, make curry leaves a part of your diet in whichever way is most convenient for you, and prepare to welcome back your good hair days.

5. Carrots Studies have revealed a strong correlation between a deficiency in vitamin A, specifically beta carotene, and hair breakage. Carrots happen to be an excellent source of vitamin A, making them the ideal food for obtaining this essential nutrient. Just 100 grams of carrots contain a generous 16000 International units of vitamin A, surpassing the daily requirement. Additionally, carrots also contain a significant amount of Biotin, a well-known catalyst for keratin production. Keratin is the protein responsible for the structure of hair strands. Interestingly, carrots also possess natural properties that block DHT, a hormone linked to hair loss, particularly in men. The hair supplementation industry heavily relies on two components: biotin and DHT blocking pills, both of which can be found in carrots. It is no surprise that carrot oil has gained popularity in this field. In fact, a study demonstrated that when a group applied carrot oil to their scalps, a greater number of hair follicles became active compared to those using a 1% Minoxidil solution.

 Carrots also contain essential hair nutrients such as Vitamin E, C, and K, as well as potent antioxidants that combat hair aging. Therefore, if you are experiencing hair fall or thinning, incorporating carrots into your diet in the form of sabzi, soups, or vegetable pulao would be beneficial. However, the best approach would be to consume carrot salad. By having a plate of raw carrots seasoned with black salt, black pepper, and lemon before lunch or dinner, this hair superfood will not disappoint you.